Recently I've been reading a great (old) book called 'Flight' that I recently discovered by Chris Kraft about the early days of the US manned space program. I couldn't help contrasting what was happening then, and what's going on now. Chris's account was full of pace, urgency and excitement as it recounted his experiences of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo eras. I know there was political incentives then to beat the Soviet Union to the first footsteps on the lunar surface. But despite this, I still find the slow pace of the current efforts incredible.
And is the fact that US astronauts are reliant on Russian launchers for access to the ISS, and orbit in general, an acceptable state of affairs?
You're kidding - right ...? Time for the US administration to wake up and inject a little impetus, and the necessary funding, into the manned program to recapture national pride, and leadership in the arena of manned space exploration!