Posted 22.45 UT, Tuesday 11 November: Rosetta comet landing update at 22.45 UT (UT=GMT). First Go/No Go decision was a Go at 19.00 UT, which was to do with the orbit aspects - Rosetta is confirmed after orbit determination to be on the right trajectory for lander delivery. Next Go/No Go decision is at 00.00 UT, which will look at the health of the lander, and the readiness of the uplink of commands to the lander. If all goes well separation will be at about 08.35 UT tomorrow (Wed), with touch down around 16.00 UT tomorrow afternoon. Sleep well everyone.
Posted 06.15 UT, Wednesday 12 November:Rosetta comet landing update at 06.15 UT, Wed 12 Nov: midnight Go/No Go decision was a Go - commands to control lander delivery were ready to uplink. Next decision concerning the health of the lander came at 03.00 UT which again was a Go - amazing given that the lander has been dormant for the 10 year journey. So all's well at the moment for a separation of the lander at breakfast time (UK) today. The operations team are manouevring Rosetta into the delivery trajectory as I write. Follow live ESA webcast at http://rosetta.esa.int/.
Posted 07.05 UT, Wednesday 12 November:
Final decision to Go for separation and landing just announced by the Main Control Room in Darmstadt (07.05 UT). Separation will be at 08.35 this morning. Confirmation of landing (or otherwise) should come at about 16.00 this afternoon. All we now is some luck at touchdown - no boulders or cliffs please.