Yesterday (25 May) I was able to see Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in the same field of view of my binoculars low on the NW horizon. Seen from the UK, the opportunity was quite time sensitive. I was out at about 21.30 to 21.45 BST (20.30 - 20.45 UT). Before this time the planets were difficult to see because of the bright twilight sky, and afterwards they were beginning to be obscured by low level haze near my horizon. However, you may have a clearer atmosphere, and a better unobscured horizon than I do in Hampshire, England. Venus (mag -3.9) was easily seen without optical aid, Jupiter (mag -2) was just visible, and Mercury (mag -1) needed the binoculars.
The accompanying video gives more info on what to look out for over the next few days. This evening (26 May) is particularly good, as the three planets form a close equilateral triangle contained within a circle of about 2.5 degrees. Good hunting! :)